Dissemination Event
he society provided awareness-raising training to zone and district leaders, religious institutions, security agencies, and educational institutions in Dessie City under a tripartite agreement with the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Finnish Red Cross, and the Ethiopian Red Cross Society.
Starting Time : Mon Dec-12-22
Ending Time : Mon Dec-12-22
Address : Amhara South Wollo Dessie Town
Place : ERCS hall
Status : pland

BDRT Refreshment Training
Ethiopia Red Cross Society, Amhara regional branch in collaboration with ECHO 2021(ERCS-Response Capacity Enhancement Project) has conducted BDRT refreshment training for 17 regional and zonal BDRT members
Starting Time : Mon Nov-28-22
Ending Time : Fri Dec-02-22
Address : Amhara North Gondar Dabat
Place : Florida International Hotel
Status : pland

ERCS North Gondar zonal branch, ICRC and Finish Red Cross Society have organized one day dissemination event for officials, religious leaders, and community representatives from central Gondar zone and Gondar town
Starting Time : Wed Dec-28-22
Ending Time : Wed Dec-28-22
Address : Amhara North Gondar Dabat
Place : Florida International Hotel
Status : pland

Dissemination Session
ICRC in collaboration ERCS provide IHL awareness creation for Amhara Regional police commission staff
Starting Time : Mon Nov-14-22
Ending Time : Mon Nov-14-22
Address : Amhara South Gondar Debre Tabor Town
Place : Beta Daniel Hotel
Status : pland

First Aid Training
ከቀን 01/04/2015 _03/04/2015 ዓ/ም ድረስ በጎንደር ከተማ በአፄ ፍሲለደስ ትምህርት ቤት ለሰላሳ/30/ ሰው/ በጎ ፈቃደኛ / የመጀመሪያ ህክምና እርዳታ ሰልጠና ተሠጥቷል::
Starting Time : Wed Dec-07-22
Ending Time : Fri Dec-09-22
Address : Amhara North Gondar Dabat
Place : Atse Fasilades School
Status : pland

BDRT Refreshment Training
Ethiopia Red Cross Society, Amhara regional branch in collaboration with ECHO 2021(ERCS-Response Capacity Enhancement Project) has conducted BDRT refreshment training for 17 regional and zonal BDRT members @ Gondar town
Starting Time : Mon Nov-28-22
Ending Time : Fri Dec-02-22
Address : Amhara North Gondar Dabat
Place : Florida International Hotel
Status : pland